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E-cigarettes May Be Supplied On The NHS In A Bid to Reduce Smoking Rates

E-cigarettes May Be Supplied On The NHS In A Bid to Reduce Smoking Rates

Here's Everything You Need to Know

For a long time, quitting smoking was a drawn-out and stressful process. Switching from cigarettes to nicotine patches or chewing gum required willpower, and many people returned to cigarettes. But then Hon Lik, a Beijing scientist, decided to explore healthier ways of smoking - and came up with the e-cigarette.

Vaping is different to smoking because it contains fewer harmful chemicals (NCBI), and the e-liquid creates vapour instead of smoke, which means there's no carbon monoxide or tar. Both are two of the most dangerous elements and can cause significant health issues for both smokers and passive smokers.

While many people have embraced e-cigarettes, the government and health authorities have tried to resist their popularity. But this is about to change because health professionals finally recognise the real benefits of vaping compared to other stop smoking products.

Doctors Might Be Able to Prescribe E-Cigarettes

Both the BBC and Gov.UK websites have released information about the proposed effort to help people quit smoking through e-cigarettes, and the future looks promising for vape manufacturers.

The UK initiative to go completely smoke-free by 2030 means vaping could become the go-to treatment to help the government achieve their vision.

If they decide to use e-cigarettes as an NHS prescribed nicotine replacement therapy, the UK would be the first country in the world to do so.

As of this moment, The Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency are asking manufacturers to submit their vape products. If approved and licensed, e-cigarettes products could be offered as part of the smoking cessation programme.

According to health secretary Sajid Javid, e-cigarettes could be the best tool to help people kick the smoking habit. He also said, "Opening the door to a licensed e-cigarette prescribed on the NHS has the potential to tackle the stark disparities in smoking rates across the country."

Why Are E-Cigarettes Beneficial If You Want to Quit Smoking?

When it comes to kicking your smoking habit for good, willpower is essential. But since the invention of e-cigarettes, more people are making the transition and leaving cigarettes behind them forever. To understand why vaping is so beneficial, it's essential to see how it positively impacts your health and finances.

Vaping is More Cost-Effective Than Tobacco Products

In recent years, the price of a pack of cigarettes has significantly increased. Today, you can expect to spend around £12 on a pack of 20 cigarettes, which puts a significant dent in anyone's budget. Vaping is a lot cheaper than smoking, and once you invest in the kit, you'll only need coils and e-liquid.

A pack of five coils costs around £10, and it can last you between 5-10 weeks, depending on how often you vape. At 88Vape, our cost-effective vape juices cost just £1 a bottle, so as you can see, vaping is the best way to save money.

Better still, you can put the money you save towards better things, such as a holiday or days out with your family.

It's Much Better For Your Health

There are many conflicting opinions about vaping, and certain groups deploy scare tactics to put people off. The truth is, you will ingest some chemicals when using e-cigarettes, but a review published by Public Health England suggests that vaping is 95% less dangerous than smoking.

Cigarettes produce tar and carbon monoxide, which are both highly harmful elements that lead to serious illness. Two of the primary diseases caused by cigarettes are heart problems and cancer - which can be fatal.

While vaping might produce tiny amounts of potentially harmful chemicals, there isn't enough evidence that electric cigarette vapour can cause long term health issues. For this reason, the government are exploring vaping for nicotine replacement therapy products.

Vapour Doesn't Smell Like Tobacco Smoke.

Apart from the obvious health implications, one of the worst things about cigarettes is the smell they leave behind. Tobacco smoke clings to your clothes, hair, and breath, often resulting in people not wanting to spend time with you. While smokers don't usually notice the smell, non-smokers do, and it can be incredibly off-putting.

Electronic cigarettes create a vapour and a subtle smell that doesn't stick around. Because the e-cig focuses on providing flavour with no dangerous chemicals, you'll notice the scent is more pleasant, and it doesn't have that burning odour that puts people off.

Second Hand Vapour is Less Harmful Than Smoke

Secondhand smoke is a dangerous substance, and cigarettes are full of hazardous chemicals that contribute to diseases such as cancer and bronchitis. When you smoke near others, they breathe in those chemicals, leaving them susceptible to respiratory infections.

Both children and pets can feel the effects of cigarette smoke, but the current evidence suggests that passive vaping won't cause any harm (Bupa). As vapour doesn't contain the same elements as tobacco smoke, it means you won't expose your loved ones to:

  • Pneumonia and Bronchitis
  • Asthma
  • Ear, Nose and Throat Problems
  • Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (Increased Risk)

Adults are also susceptible to strokes, lung cancer and heart disease, so while smoking might seem like a bad habit, it puts innocent people around you at risk.

E-Cigarettes Replicate the Traditional Cigarette Experience

It's challenging to quit smoking, especially when nicotine patches, chewing gum, or lozenges are the primary treatment choices. Part of what makes smoking so addictive is the hand to mouth action it offers, which is almost like a reward that sends signals to the brain.

Electric cigarettes are beneficial because they replicate the smoking experience without the adverse effects and consequences.

Vape Juice Comes in All Varieties

Buying e-liquid is an exciting experience for new vapers because there are so many choices available. When you buy cigarettes, you choose between which tobacco brand you want, but vape juice blends have a range of flavours.

You can find popular tobacco flavours with added ingredients such as caramel, nuts and vanilla. Then there are fruity flavours, juices that mimic your favourite desserts and pretty much everything you can think of.

Another significant benefit of vape juice is the menthol flavours, which are no longer available in traditional tobacco brands. The new tobacco control plan is a move by the government to dissuade people from smoking and advance towards a smoke-free England by 2030.

Many smokers prefer menthol cigarettes because they're less harsh and have a refreshing taste, but if you're missing your menthol blast, you can still find plenty of menthol e-liquids.

How You Can Transition From Smoking to Vaping

While the government is moving towards offering NHS patients the opportunity to quit smoking by providing a licensed e-cigarette alternative, local stop smoking services will take some time to put it into practice.

If you're ready to make the switch and want to take up vaping as an alternative to vaping, you should go ahead and do it. The long-term benefits are worth the effort, and anyone can kick their cigarette habit and move towards vaping.

When you start vaping, you'll notice that your e-cigarette has more flavour because it doesn't contain as many chemicals as traditional cigarettes. Switching from smoking to vaping can also result in a healthier heart, according to an article published by the BBC.

So, with that in mind, here are some ways you can make a smooth transition.

Start With a Simple Kit

One of the biggest mistakes new vapers make is choosing a mod kit with all the bells and whistles. Not only are they for advanced vapers, but these kits don't replicate the smoking experience - because they require a lot of configuration.

Vape pens and pods are much better for new vapers because all you need to do is fill the tank with your e-liquid, and you're ready to go. Pods are even quicker because they come with pre-filled cartridges, so it's much easier to get your nicotine hit, and you can move on to more advanced kits when you're ready.

Know Your Nicotine Strength

Choosing the right nicotine strength is central to the vaping experience. Heavy smokers that average about 20 cigarettes a day need an e-liquid with high nicotine content, while moderate smokers should choose 6-12mg of nicotine.

Many smokers struggle to adapt to vaping because they choose an e-liquid that doesn't offer enough nicotine. This is a common issue, but it's quickly resolved.

To make it easier for you to choose, the common rule is:

  • Heavy Smokers - 18mg and above
  • Moderate Smokers - 12mg
  • Light Smokers - 3 - 6mg

Learn Vaping Technique

Vaping is different to smoking a cigarette because it requires a softer approach. Instead of taking sharp draws on your vape pen, you'll need to learn how to inhale slowly and deeply to get the most out of your experience.

Once you've been vaping for a while, you'll get used to the different techniques, and it will become second nature. Perseverance is key here, but you'll soon find that e-cigarettes offer a smoother experience that doesn't make you cough.

Introduce E-Cigs Slowly

Light and moderate smokers might find it's easier to switch to vaping because they're not so reliant on traditional cigarettes, but if you do struggle, then introducing your vape device slowly might suit you more.

Instead of going straight to vaping, you can substitute a cigarette with your device twice a day, then gradually begin to phase out smoking. It will let you stop smoking safely, and you're more likely to stick to vaping.

The Best Starter Vape Kits to Stop Smoking

If you're interested in using vaping as a quit-smoking tool, you'll need a great starter kit. At 88Vape, we specialise in providing cost-effective vaping products that are suitable for any budget. The starter kits you're about to see are recommended by our team and favourites with our customers.

88Vape Pre-Filled Starter Kit

If you're looking for a cheap but powerful starter kit, our pre-filled is a favourite among customers. It packs a host of features but costs only £7.00. You'll get a vape pod that is incredibly easy to use, and all you need to do is screw the cartridge into the vape pen.

Our customers rate the pre-filled starter kit as one of our best, with a USB charging cable and three nic salt cartridges included in the price.

Using the Kit

When you first use the kit, you'll notice how easy it is to screw in the cartridge and go. Just press the button five times and vape away. One thing you should be aware of is using your phone or tablet charger to power the device.

The kit comes with a charger, and using anything else could result in the device overheating, which can be dangerous.

Overall, we're confident that we managed to combine price with quality and make a powerful pod device that delivers on all levels.

What Our Customers Say

I ordered the menthol kit and was surprised, considering the whole kit for just £7. No leaks, fantastic throat hit, and the menthol is perfect, not too strong like some menthols but a really nice taste. excellent. - Kim Hannah

Zillion Pod Kit

If you're looking for something with a bit of style, you'll love the Zillion pod system. It's a higher-end option, which means you will pay a little extra, but if you love pod devices, you won't be disappointed with this innovative system.

The zinc alloy outer casing is extremely lightweight, and the pod will fit into your hand. As the kit is an all in one system, you won't need to change any coils. Just move the rubber cap to the side and add your e-liquid to the tank.

Using the Kit

While this pod device is useful, you will need to think a bit more about making the most of your experience. There are four battery settings to choose between, so you can have more customisation when it comes to power.

You've also got a range of 50/50 e-liquids or VG heavy vape juices to choose between. The pod lasts for about eight re-fills but is relatively easy to change.

Overall, this kit is bursting with useful features, and while some extra customisation is needed, it's well worth the effort.

What Our Customers Say:

OMG. I can't believe how good this zillion is. The liquids taste fantastic and have power iv got a pro pod and decided after looking on-site to buy the zillion as it's in the sale; I'm so glad I did. In the bin goes the pen from another brand. - Michael

88Vape Classic Vape Pen

If you're looking for a simple vape pen with a lot of power, our classic pen is designed to deliver superb flavour, strong throat hits and a seamless experience. Beginners love this kit because it's so simple to use - and perfect for PG heavy e-liquids.

Using the Kit

It's a battery and clearomiser set-up, which means all you need to do is unscrew the clearomiser and fill it with your chosen e-liquid. With a simple click on and off function, this compact vape pen can fit in your pocket and help you curb those nicotine cravings.

What Our Customers Say:

This is one of the best vapes I've ever had for only five quid who's complaining they last for about 2 to 3 months without having to change coils. No messing about with changing coils would recommend to everyone. - Sally

88Vape Deluxe Pen

Our deluxe vape pen is perfect for heavy smokers because it has a long-lasting battery that's perfect if you travel a lot. In general, a full charge will last you for around 8-11 hours, which is ideal if you vape at work because you'll never have to worry about the vape pen dying.

This pen will perform well with PG heavy and 50/50 e-liquids because it's designed specifically for MTL (mouth to lung) vaping.

Using the Kit

The best thing about our deluxe kit is how easy it is to use. All you need to do is unscrew the clearomiser from the battery and add your e-liquid. Click five times to activate the vape pen, and you're good to go!

What Our Customers Say:

I have had vapes that cost twice as much as this pen, and this vape is the best! It is so simple to use, and I have never had a strong taste of the e-liquid in my mouth that I have experienced with other vapes. I would recommend this vape 100%! - Alex

Choosing Your Kit

Each of the above kits offers a host of features and will give you a superior vaping experience. So, the main thing to consider with starter vape kits is if you'd prefer a pen or pod device.

With pens, you have more flexibility because you can choose between a range of e-liquids and sample different flavours whenever you want.

Pods offer more convenience because they have pre-filled cartridges, but some people can find them a bit restrictive.

Whatever you choose, make sure you think about which starter kit is best for your needs. With our cost-effective range of vaping products, there's something for everyone at 88Vape.

Looking to the Future

If the National Health Service does decide to prescribe e-cigarettes, it will be one of the most innovative public health measures the UK has ever seen. It will also open doors to help people stop smoking wherever they live in the UK and decrease premature death rates.

There's no doubt that before e-cigarettes become a certified medical product, they'll need to go through rigorous safety checks. Smoking remains one of the leading causes of lung cancer and other illnesses, so the best way to tackle it is to offer a substitute.

Vaping devices mirror the smoking experience but don't contain any of the most harmful elements and chemicals you'll find in cigarettes, including tar and carbon monoxide.

With the UK set to become the first country in the world to prescribe e-cigs as a stop smoking alternative, we're looking forward to helping more people kick their habit safely and enjoyably.

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